Historical figures in Silver Strand The Long Beach Saga

Apr 05, 2022 by Dennis E. Carey

Historical persons in alphabetical order

Aarvig, Gabriel 240, 479

Arthur, Chester A. 104

Abell, James 233, 240

Ackerly, Mabel Dibble 472-475

Adams, Helen 189

Agnew, Edward J. 408, 410

Albro-Little, John 106, 109-112, 137

Alcindor, Lew 478, 479

Alter, Hobie 485

Ames, Paul K. 179, 181

Armstrong, Eleanor 429

Apfel, Charles L. 320

Arrighi, W. Howard 477

Astaire, Fred 379

Astor, Caroline 80

Atkins, Minnie 357

Atkinson, Jack 519

Ayres, Mr. 198

Baez, Joan 471

Bahama Pat 488, 489

Bailey, Frank 214-216, 240, 250, 277, 279, 282, 283, 299, 363

Banks, Aaron 335

Barbieri, Frank 306, 359, 361, 366, 398

Barlow, DeWitt D. 228

Barney, Alice Pike 137

Barney, Natalie 137

Barney, Charles T. 242

Barry, Rick 484, 486

Barrymore, John 301, 336

Barton, Isaac 96

Bauer, Sybil 345

Bedia, Freddy 511

Belmont, August 95

Belmont Jr., August 249

Bennett, Wilfred 212, 379, 386, 476

Bergman, Ingrid 489

Berlin, Irving 267

Berlin, Mike385, 386, 447

Besser, Simon aka Swipes the Newsboy 377

Betts Family 257

Bey, Foga 223

Bierwirth, Julius 240, 249, 250, 277

Billings, Josh 261

Birkholz, Johnny 429

Bland, George 210

Blimblum, Dr. 351

Boesch, Paul 354, 425-430

Bogart, Belmont Deforest 190, 191

Louie, Bono 485

Boomer, Lucius 243

Richardson, Jr. J. P. aka Big Bopper 470

Bossert, Louis 220, 250

Bow, Clara 513

Braddish, Kevin 519

Brady, James 277, 279

Brennan, Brian 484, 485, 486

Breslin, Jimmy 506-508

Bridgeman, Gene (Jr.)344-347

Bridgeman, Gene (Sr.) 345

Brockman, Harry 484

Brown, Willie 263

Brown, Larry 444, 461, 478, 479

Brown, James 470

Bryan, William Jennings 179-181

Burke, Billy 512, 513

Burke, Joey 485

Burrell, David J. 170, 172, 175,176

Butler, Fred 335

Callahan, Mr. 342, 343

Callahan, Parnell 342, 344, 347

Carbona, Antonio aka Tony 300

Carbona, Gene 493

Carey, Dennis 484

Carlino, Joseph 512

Carlo, Andy 314

Carnegie, Andrew 248, 277

Carreau, Cyrille Jr. 187

Carroll, Bobby 410, 418, 477

Carroll, Corky 486

Carter, Jimmy 524

Cartwright, Mr. 195

Casement, Jack 71

Castle, Irene 264, 274-276, 281-285, 289

Castle, Vernon 273-276, 279-281,284, 285, 287, 289, 290

Castles, Bella 191

Cavanagh, Mike 519

Celia (related Gruberg) 458

Chapman, A. R. 187

Choate, William G. 126

Chrysler, Walter P. 364

Chusid, Neil 478, 479

Cohan, George M. 277, 279, 280

Cohan, Mrs. George M. 277

Cohen, Henry 249

Collier, Willie 301

Combes, Abe 350, 360, 361

Connolly, Hughie 318

Conroy, Terry 485

Coombs, Roy 518

Corbin, Austin 81, 95-97, 103, 109, 110,113, 119, 122, 137, 146, 166, 168, 169, 184, 207, 364

Cornell, Alonzo B. 144

Cornell, Ezra 144

Crabbe Buster 356

Crocker, Charles 71, 135, 211

Crocker, George 210

Croker, Edward F. 480

Cropsey, James C. 321

Crowley, Timothy 290

Crystal, Billy 478, 479

Cusak, James 429

Cusano, Phil 485

Dale, Dick 483

Dalton, William 322, 324-326, 352, 359, 361, 368, 447

Daly, Jr. John 485

Daly, Tommy 485, 493, 526

Daly, Sr. John 493, 496

Daly, Rowie 526

Dan & His Gang 292

Dandee, Irving 451

Darragh, May 176-178

Darwin, Bernard 340

Davis, Meyer 360

Day, Joseph P. 298

De Saulles, John L. 197, 220, 233, 267-269

De Saulles, Bianca 267, 268, 269

De Mar, Clarence 356

DeCandia, Vito 518

Delury, Micheal 506, 508

Dempsey, Jack 380, 385, 391, 392, 395

Detzen, John 354, 360-362

Detzen, Libby 355, 356, 357

Detzen, Martin 356-359, 361, 362

Detzen, Margaret 356, 357

Detjen, Tante Sophie 356

Devine, John 207

DeWitt, William C. 179, 180

Dick, A. E. 181, 206, 241

Ditmar, Art 455

Dix, Morgan 111, 144

Dobson, George F. 363

Dockstater, Lew 480

Dodd, Randy 484-486, 513, 520

Dodge, Grenville 71

Dollard, Michael 321

Dooley, Jeanie 399

Dooley, Joe 386, 389, 390, 405

Dooley, Midge 399

Dooley, Kathleen 399

Dooley, Rosemary 399

Doyle, Billy 418

Duffy, Dr. 277

Dunham, Commodore 351

Durkin, Randy 484-487

Dylan, Bob 471

Eaton, Eddie 523

Gertrude, Ederle 344

Edwards, Joseph 290

Edwards, Edward 303

Edwards, Louis 408, 410, 415,447

Ehrlich, Lou 388, 389,391, 394

Ehrlich, Morris 391

Ehrlich, Sophie Peck 464

Eidt, Doug 518

Einstein, Izzy 306

Elliot, Dr. 473

Esposito, Tony 29, 300, 316, 444

Esposito, Sonny 478

Esterbrook, Dude 111

Europe, James Reese 275, 276

Evans, J. J. 468, 469, 476-477

Evans, Chris 485

Evrard Tom 517, 519

Faber, Izzy 460

Fairchild Family 473

Faithfull, Starr 401-404

Fanoni, Antonio 265, 277, 290, 367, 480

Fanoni, Mrs. Antonio 265, 277, 366

Farrell, Edward J. 351, 361

Farrell, Peter 518

Farrell, Tom 518

Fehr, Mr. 294

Felix, Louis E. 480

Feodorovna, Maria 373

Ferrante, Jack 486

Ficke, Bill 519

Field III, Marshall 277, 282

Fields, Lew 274

Fleischer, Max 513

Fleischman, Maurice aka Buster 461

Fleishman, Morris 461

Fonte, Dewey 485

Fordham, Robert 50

Foster, Dr. 473

Foster, Stephen 150

Foy, Eddie 302

Frankel, Frank 322, 359, 361, 368, 375, 391, 418, 447

Franko, Nahan 245, 271, 480

French, Stephen H. 144

Frohman, Daniel 364, 375

Frohman, Charles 277

Frost, Carman 181, 216, 473

Frost, Eddie 93, 123

Gallinaro, Bennet 478

Gallinaro, Mama 478

Gallagher, Michael 191

Gallagher, Mary 195

Garfield, James A. 125

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 71

Gengo, Roger 485

George, Prince of Wales

Gerstenzang, Leo 250

Gibbons, Bobby 520

Gildersleeve, Frederick E. 184, 185, 194, 195, 197, 199,200, 208, 210       

Gilmore, Patrick 92

Gladwin, A. S. 99-101, 109

Gold, Charles 293, 294, 359, 385, 396, 447

Goldberg, Rabbi Morris 372

Golden, Albert 191

Goldschmidt (the Magician) 151

Goldstein, Ruby 377

Golovensky, Rabbi 413

Goode, Mrs. 256, 474

Goodman, Benny 433

Gould, Jay 95, 110

Governale 455

Gracy, John H. 361

Grant, Herb 281

Grant, Kenny 498

Grant, Bobby 498

Grant, Ulysses S. 151

Grodensky, Moose 496

Gross, Dr. 359

Grossman, Mr. 350

Grossman, Morris 368

Gruberg, Max 458

Gruberg, Rae 458

Grundy, Gladys 331

Guilian, Rev. 473

Gulden, Frank 480

Gumpertz, Samuel W. 220, 240

Haag, Bernie 444, 514

Haley, Jim aka Pop, aka Red 337, 350

Hall, Rev. J. E. 468

Hanley, Pat 520

Hanley, Bill 520

Hannon, John 485

Harnach, Lilyan 303

Harper, Jr., Fletcher 93, 94, 126, 127, 134, 144

Harper, Jr., Mrs. Fletcher 125-128, 134-137, 144

Haven, Sr. George G. 144

Hearst, William R. 277, 279, 284, 285, 293, 294

Hearst, Mrs. William R. 277

Hegeman, Rev. J. Winthrop 178

Herman Ricky 470-472

Herman, Doug 485

Hermanson, Maren 485

Hermanson, Dane 513

Heyman, Art 478

Higgins, Vannie 359, 368, 403, 404

Hitchcock, Raymond 301

Hittelman, Arnold 444, 478

Hobson, Richmond P. 207

Hoch, Theodore 92, 107, 115

Hoffman, Joe 501, 520

Holly, Buddy 470

Holm, Eleanor 344, 347, 354-356, 360, 519

Hoos, Ronnie 486

Horan, Kevin 492

Housman, Doug 485

Howell, Dick 345

Huber, Joseph 220

Hughes, Charles Evans 293

Hunt, Bessy 355

Hurley, Cornelius 297

Hurley, Jenny 297, 398

Hurley, Catherine 398, 399

Hurley, Nellie 298

Hurley, Mike 301, 302

Hurley, Jack 314

Ives, Burl 464

Jackson, Paul 465

Jacobs, Mrs. Herbert 375

Jacquirie Family 473

James, Henry 148

Jerome, Leonard 95

Johnson, Edward 361

Johnson, Enoch 304, 312

Johnson, Jack 379

Johnson, Lyndon B. 467

Jolson, Al 471

Jones, B. F.

Joplin, Scott 267

Josephs, Joey 455, 456

Kaffenberg, Walter 239, 240

Kahanamoku, Duke 344-346, 485

Kahanamoku, Sam 346

Kahn, Otto 339

Kanowitz, Benjamin 359

Kaplan, Sy 429

Karp, Morris 465

Kaufman, Anita 429

Kaufman, Murray 472

Kealoha, Warren 346

Kean, Charles J. 343

Kielly, Dennis 484

Kiernan, Tommy 440-442, 445

Kimball, Sophie 191

King, Coretta 476, 477

King Jr., Rev. Martin Luther 476, 477

King, Jr., William Nephew 189

Knight, Clarence 106, 110

Kohut, Phil 385, 396, 397, 408, 441, 445-448, 463-467

Kolb, Milton 299, 361, 513

Konig Family 473

Kruger, Harold aka Stubby 344-347, 355

Lackaye, Wilton 301

Laffan, William F. 73, 74, 84, 93, 126, 127, 137, 178

Laffan, Mrs. William McKay 178

Lake, Veronica 423

Lance Family 257

Lane, Clarence 345

Langdon, Frank 254, 258-262, 350

Langdon, Al 350

Lapchick, Joe 479

Larsen, Don 456

Latey, Emmie 159

Lauter, Eddie 507, 520

Leach, Archibald 354

Leavitt, Charles W. 220, 221, 227, 229, 246, 249

Lees, Peter 339

Lehman, Herbert H. 375

Leonard, Benny 377

Leone, Giacomo aka Jimmy 301, 481, 496

Leone, Fidele 301, 496

Leone Jr., Renee 496, 497, 499, 520

Leone, Renee 496, 497

Levitsky, Leo 447

Levitsky, Ben 447

Levy, Jules 92

Lieberman, Alexander 376

Liguori, Jimmy 410

Lindbergh, Charles 433

Logan, John A. 207

Lombardo, Guy 419, 485

Lorillard IV, Pierre 95

Louis, Joe 379, 429

Low, A. A. 206

Luce, Mr. Richard 126

Luce, Mrs. Richard 126

Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon 276

Lynch, Pat 478

Macdonald, Charles Blair 339, 340, 360

Mack, Andrew 240, 277, 280, 281

MacKay, Clarence 282

MacKaye, Steele 137

MacKaye, Mrs. Steele 137

Manning, Frankie 433

Mantle, Mickey 456

Marbury, Elizabeth 272-275

Marsh, A. A. 93

Marshall, Gene 501, 519

Martens, Mr. 108

Marx, Zeppo 333

Marx, Groucho 478

Mays, Willie 456

Mcaleese, Harold 519

McCabe, Jimmy 477

McCarren, Patrick 192, 196, 240, 279

McCarthy, Bridget aka Irene 276, 399

McCarthy, John 298, 313

McCarthy, Charlie

McCarthy, Bobby 303, 344, 347, 386, 389, 390, 400, 406, 407

McCarthy, Jackie 312

McCarthy, Geraldine 342, 355, 400, 405, 406

McCarthy, Jeremiah 399

McClintock, Harry 365

McCormack, John 519

McCoy, Bill 313

McGovern, Mr. 519

McGuire, Al 478, 519

McGuire, Dick 478

McIntyre, Ken 519

McIntyre, Bobby 519

McLean, C. M. 73, 78, 79, 81, 84

McManus, George 513

McMullan, Jimmy 496, 520

Mehl, Eugene 85, 93

Meltzer, Celia aka Celia Milstein/Lillian Smith 358, 359

Mengele, Josef 437

Merry, Henry 243

Meyers Family 257

Michaelis, Vinny 496, 499

Miller, Glenn 432-434

Miller, Harry 256, 474

Miller, Louis 159

Miller, Lewis

Miller, Israel 371, 461

Miller, Bill 316

Mirabella, Joey 519

Mize, Johnny 456

Molitor, Bernard 182

Mondale, Walter 424

Morgan, J. P. 197, 206

Morgenthau, Henry 216

Moriarty, Daniel 402

Morse, Lee 329

Morse, Steve 485

Moses, Bella 210

Moses, Robert 364, 465

Muir, John 237-239

Mulliner, N. B. 78

Murphy, Jack 511

Murphy, Greg 519

Murray, George 170, 180

Murray, Mae 275

Murtha, Victor 290, 385

Navel, Bellybutton 295, 296, 298

Nelson, Joe 226-229

Nelson, Dave 485

Neubech, Herr 92

Newman, Yale 477

Newton, Isaac 382

Norelius, Martha 346, 357

Nugent, Eddie 335-337

O’Connor, Bart 487

O’Connor Family 473

O’Dowd, Teddy 485

O’Malley, Walter 456

O’Reilly, Daniel 202, 203

Oppenheimer, Mike aka Oppy 485

Ornstein, Theodore 411, 415, 447

Pani, Joseph 278

Parker, Ed 281

Parker, Jimmy 447

Paultz, Billy 498

Perkins, Mrs. 137

Petrey, Prudence 287

Petry, Butch 511

Pike, Lip 111

Podsen, Edwin 410

Pollio, Richie 519

Potter, Emily 205

Potter, Dorothea 205

Propper, Gary 490

Quanumuo, Nick 355

Quinn, W. Johnson 199

Quinn, Ronnie 485, 496

Ray, Joie 355, 356

Raynor, Seth 339

Reeder, Annie Bell 468, 469

Reeder, Evans Bill 469

Reese, Al 335-337, 364

Reiss, George 357, 409

Reynolds, Elise 214, 277, 280, 361, 368

Reynolds, Margaret 217, 361

Reynolds, Marie 361

Reynolds, William H. 196, 198, 213, 215-218, 220-222, 224-233, 240-243, 246-248, 250, 259, 265,266, 269, 276, 277, 279-284, 293-295, 299, 300, 302, 303, 310, 314, 315, 318-322, 325, 332, 334, 335, 337, 339, 350, 359-361, 3563, 364, 368, 369, 377, 406, 407, 412, 414, 416, 447, 458, 463, 466, 473-477, 480, 487, 491, 496, 505, 525, 534, 536

Riggin, Aileen 343-345

Riis, Jacob 178

Rivers, William Pitt 205

Robbins, Nellie 257

Robbins, Walt 260, 261

Robertson, George 281

Robertson, J. Bruce 325

Robinson, Mr. 448

Rogers, Will 282, 302

Rogers, Ginger 378

Roosevelt, Theodore aka Teddy 180, 240, 258

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 386, 444

Rosenbloom, Slapsie Maxie 377

Rosoff, Samuel 321

Ross, Barney 377

Roth, Lillian 512

Rothstein, Arnold 359, 367, 414

Rourke, Mary 355

Russell, Lillian 279

Russo, Tommy 493

Ryan, John 496, 500, 501

Sarony, Alexander 137

Saviola, Carl 518

Savoy, Bert 349, 350

Schaffer, Charles 299

Schickler, Joseph J. 376

Schreiner, Kleophas 84, 90-93, 100, 106, 107, 115, 116, 126, 131, 145, 150, 151, 205

Schroeder, Dickie 498

Schwab, Jackie 400, 404

Schwab, Jeff 477

Schwalje, Walter H. 376

Sedlik, Rich 469, 470

Sedlik, Morris 470

Seidel, Mrs. 451

Seiden, Frank 416

Sharp, Thomas 72-75, 78, 79, 81, 84, 86, 93-96

Sharp, Bernard 414, 421

Sherman, Carrie Babcock 243, 247-249

Sherman, John 93

Sherman, James S. 243-246, 250

Shine, Eugene 269, 270, 296, 303-305, 307, 312, 368

Sidebotham Family 257

Simon, Abe 387-389, 391, 395, 429

Sirkim, Harry 443

Skudin, John 525

Slater, Kelly 3

Slattery, Thomas aka Handsome Tom 306, 308, 310

Slaughter, Enos 456

Small, Captain of the Arlington 361

Smather, Elmer E. 299

Smeater Family 257

Smith, Raynor Rock 24, 28, 32, 33, 118, 350

Smith, Al 319, 320

Smith, Betty 429

Smith, Helen 429

Smith, Joan 429

Smith, Lew 335

Smith, Lester 345

Smith Lillian 358

Smith, Moe 306

Smith, Mrs. Charles 414

Smith, Charles aka Silver Dollar 414

Snively, Dr. 125

Snow, Howard 480

Snowden, Shorty George 433

Soden, Dave 377, 384, 385, 395

Southgate, Mr. 100, 101, 103, 109, 122, 125, 126, 137, 138, 144

Southgate, Mrs. 126, 144

Spillane, Morrison aka Mickey 400-407

Spinola, Francis 144

Sprague, I. V. 196

St. John, Mr. 179

Steffen, Eddie 429

Stein, Jacob 306

Stewart, A. T. 40, 83

Stone, Fred 282

Strong, William 180

Sussmann, Sol 385

Sweeney, John F. 361

Tabeling, Mike 490

Tackapausha 50

Taft, William H. 240

Talbot, Harold R. 220, 222, 231, 240

Temple, Mickey 485

Temple, Eric 485

Thaw, Harry Kendall 202

Thomas, George 129

Tierney, Art 496

Tinney, Frank 301

Toner, Pat 219

Toto the Clown 302

Tracy, Patrick J. 332, 334

Trumm, Otto 416

Tsukalas, John aka the barker 455, 456, 463

Tucci, Oscar 371

Turk, Agnes 400

Twelvetrees, Clark 335

Valens, Richie 470

Valente, Michael aka Mike 290, 415, 429, 479

Valente, Josephine 429

Valentino, Rudolph 290

Van Dillenberger, Mary 195

Van Alen, William 364

Van Wagenen, Edward 502-505

Vandenhoff, Mark 485

Vandenhoff, Warren 485

Vanderbilt II, Mrs. William 80

Vanderbilt II, William 204, 277, 278, 281

Vanderbilt, William 95

Van der Werken, George S. 220, 222, 223, 227, 297, 352, 361

Vernon, Ianthe, nee Steele 207

Vincent, John Heyl 171

Von Glahn, Arthur 440

Wainwright, Helen 344

Waldron, Virginia 303

Waldron, Dorothy 303

Walker, James aka Jimmy 304, 355

Wallace, Archer B. 193-195, 197

Walsh, brothers 299

Ward, Sam 126, 136, 137, 140

Ward, Brian 485

Ward, Julia Howe 140

Warshaw, Adelaide 417

Washington, Booker T. 207

Washington, George 151

Watson, Mr. 294

Wehselau, Mariechen 346

Weisenberg, Harvey 493, 523, 524

Weissmuller, Johnny 344, 346, 347, 356

Welsh, Freddie 377

Wharton, Edith 236

White, Sanford 102, 202

White, Andrew 144

Whitehouse, Mr. 188

Whitman, Walt 139

Wickham, William H. 117, 125, 126, 137, 144, 159

Wilde, Oscar 127, 133-143, 149, 159, 162, 187, 204, 208

Wilkins, Roy 469

Williams, Percy 190, 191

Williams, Mary 400

Williams, Wally 520

Wilson, Ted 502, 503

Winslow, Charles 8, 165

Wirth, May 392, 393

Wise, Charles 192

Wolcott, Henry 144

Wolheim, Louis 301

Wood, Fred 384

Wood, Howie 388

Wood, Peggy 429

Woodward, James T. 144

Wright, Owen 3

Wright, Davenport aka Deb 151, 357

Wright, Charles 350

Wright, Hen 406

Wynn, Early 455

Yale, Frankie aka Uale, aka Ioele 359

Yolanda, Madame 432

Ziegfeld, Florenz 333, 412

Ziegfeld, Patricia 413

Zimmerman J., Charles 409

Zuckerman, Elliot 485